Level 3A

On this page, you will find a description and resources that link to Level 3A.

At Level 3A, readers have a good grasp of the skills needed to decode a document. At this level, readers are using complex information-processing skills. They are locating and integrating information within the text to perform complex reading tasks. Readers are also integrating their own knowledge with information from the text to generate new ideas and opinions.


Please note the following links will display Level 3A content of the resource.

Look at “How to Benchmark Materials” to learn how to benchmark your own learning materials for level 3A.

Alberta Reading Benchmarks for Adults (2nd ed.)
Go to page 38

Rhyasen Erdman, Corrie

This resource provides an introduction to and overview of the Alberta Reading Benchmarks. It provides an in-depth description of the ARB levels.