Level 2A

On this page you will find a summary and practical resources that link to Level 2A.

At Level 2A, readers can manage a much wider range of words that are still primarily concrete but becoming more complex. Reading tasks are beginning to involve layering of tasks requiring the reader to coordinate multiple pieces of information at one time.


Please note the following links will display Level 2A content of the resource.

Alberta Reading Benchmarks for Adults (2nd ed.)
Go to page 24

Rhyasen Erdman, Corrie

This resource provides an introduction to and overview of the Alberta Reading Benchmarks. It provides an in-depth description of the ARB levels.

A Starter List of Materials for ARB Levels 1A to 2B
Go to page 28

Goulet, Shelley

This resource provides a list of reading materials benchmarked to ARB levels 1A to 2B as well as teaching strategies and learning activities.

At a Glance ARB Teaching Strategies
Go to page 7


This is a guide for teaching reading to adult literacy learners. It has many practical teaching strategies for ARB levels 1A to 2B.